Debido a las restricciones de viaje impuestas por el coronavirus y a las medidas de distanciamiento social que dificultan el aprendizaje presencial, Rolls-Royce ha introducido un programa de capacitación en mantenimiento con realidad virtual para sus clientes de aviación comercial. El primer curso contiene una visión general sobre la construcción, el diseño y el funcionamiento del motor BR725″ que propulsa los jets comerciales de ultra largo alcance G650/ER de Gulfstream.
Category: Realidad Virtual
La realidad virtual en el sistema de salud
La realidad virtual, o RV, se perfila como la próxima gran tecnología que revolucionará la industria de la salud. Desde la formación y entrenamiento de nuevos médicos hasta las técnicas innovadoras de diagnosticar y ayudar a los pacientes, la realidad virtual aporta nuevos métodos de interacción en el sistema de salud.
Tips for travelling with an infant
Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include …
Beautiful Cities Around the World
A city is a large and permanent human settlement. Although there is no agreement on how a city is distinguished from a town in general English language meanings, many cities have a particular administrative, legal, or historical status based on …
Best Way to have Fun During Roadtrip
The world’s first recorded long distance road trip by automobile took place in Germany in August 1888 when Bertha Benz, the wife of Karl Benz, the inventor of the first patented motor car (the Benz Patent-Motorwagen), travelled from Mannheim to …
Solo Travel Around the World
The origin of the word “travel” is most likely lost to history. The term “travel” may originate from the Old French word travail. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the first known use of the word travel was in the …